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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Things i wish someone would have told me when I was pregnant.

It seems you only realize things when its too late. So after buying a second car seat for my 5 month old son, and hating the first stroller we bought and few other mishaps or forgotten's along the way I thought I would share them all with you.

First I must say our son is a pretty big boy. At his 4 month check up he was weighing in at 18 pounds and 26 inches. Not to mention he has been hitting all his mile stones early, he has been holding his head up on his own since the day he was born.

On that note-I have to say infant car seats are pretty much a waste of time. We live in the city and we hardly drive, our son has maybe been in his seat 20 times and he is 5 months old now. I think they convertible seats are definitely the way to go when it comes to car seats. We ended up getting the Britax Boulevard car seat, he really enjoys being able to see everything around him and I really think he enjoys that it is more like a seat, whereas in the infant you are almost laying down.

Another big thing we realized was the stroller, which I spoke about in a previous post.

When looking at products, Obviously you want to check the safety ratings, but look how easy it is to remove things you will need to wash, seat covers, toys, etc. I wash my sons toys every night, wipe down his high chair twice a day (washing the cover about 2 times a week) always check over them to make sure they are in good condition, and nothing coming off of them , etc.

I would highly recommend a changing table with everything very accessible, or a really good couch cover bc, boy or girl they surprise pee and poo : )
I have heard from many parents, children's up-to 2 still using them.

Don't ever be ashamed to ask for help, take help, or tell someone you are overwhelmed.
It's so hard for women, we have to wear so many hats; Mother, daughter, wife, friend, maid....
Don't ever be ashamed of what you are feeling.

A few things we realized we needed after Liam was born:
-Burbcloths- my goodness does this child go through them.
-Bibs- I tend to keep a bib on Liam at all times, he drools so much it looks like he is in a wet t-shirt ten minutes after you dress him : )
-Wash new clothes in bundles bc odds are you will be taking some back if they still have the tags on them.
-Baby proof your house while you are still pregnant. You cant imagine how fast they grow, and you wont have a second to do it.
- Ask for everything you want/or need on your registry. You will be using all the items you think you don't need to buy for a while, you need them faster then you thought.
-Get infant tylenol, Gas relieving meds, and any other things you might need. It always seems to be in the middle of the night when you need them and you don't have them.
-Take as many pictures as possible : ) and enjoy the wild ride.

Hopefully this advice helps you feel a little less like this…

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I think the first time we looked at strollers I was 8 months pregnant. I didn't know much about them, well except that you use them to tote your baby around : /
After spending several hours, and walking all around the stroller department we finally settled on a stroller.

We had settled on the Bumbleride Indie stroller

I say we settled because once my son was born and we used this stroller, i HATED it. yes hate with red in my eyes. First of all the 3 wheels seemed so unstable, every time i would hit a bump or crack in the side walk i thought it was going to flip right over on its side.
Not to mention it doesn't even have a cup holder or tray for your little one. Also, the back adjustable back rest was pretty shotty the way it was to be moved to the different positions, it was a pull string, REALLY?!
Maybe if you were using this just as a jogger it might work, but for me and every day i thought it was horrible.

So we started back on our stroller hunt. Fun fun- NOT!
We headed back to our favorite baby store BuyBuyBaby
I love this store because they are so helpful and so knowledgeable about the products they sell. Another great thing is they carry a variety of items from the luxury brands to the cheaper ones.

We ended up falling in love with a Peg Perego Pliko Switch stroller. It is such an amazing stroller but in stores it is selling at $400.00. yes a little outrageous if you ask me. We ended up coming home so i could do some research online.

I found this store called albee baby it is such a great store for everything baby.
It is located in NY, but they also sell on the web.

I ended up finding the same stroller for 275.00 with FREE Shipping!! Whoo hoo!

I cant wait for this stroller to get here! I love that it has the option for your child to face you or face out to the open world. I am so excited for Liam's new ride : )

Happy 5 months Biggie!

Happy 5 months baby boo! Wow, I really cant get over how fast time is going. It seems like just yesterday I was pushing down on my tummy begging you to get out! : )
I enjoy every minute of Mommyhood : ) It is a wild ride for sure. One i wouldnt give up a second of. : )

Schedule's and list.

I have always been big on list even before Liam was born. But now my life is truly swamped with lists and schedules. My days are so much longer now but in another sense so much shorter. Time is flying by. I cant seem to catch up sometimes, at least i have my camera to try and keep track for me : )

A lot of new mothers come to me and ask me about my schedule for Liam so I thought I would blog about it.

Liam wakes up some where around 6-7am. I always try to make sure he spends time in his crib before i get him out and start his day. I go in and check on him and give him a couple toys, change his diaper, turn the light on and take his blanket off.

Once we get out of bed we hang out and watch cartoons and play. Liam eats breakfast around 8:30-9am. After every feeding(of food) i let him lay down on his back for about 10 to 15 minutes just to let his food settle, then it is go go go : )

I let him sleep as much as he wants from wake up until 2:30pm. He usually only takes one nap around 11am it is normally only a 45 minute sometimes an hour. If I am lucky I will get him down for another one around 1ish.

Once 2:30pm hits it is eyes WIDE OPEN time. haha

Around 4pm i feed him dinner, bath at 5. after that we have play time then around 6 we settle down for bed and read books. I put him down for bed awake, i don't rock him to sleep anymore except in the middle of the nights for feedings and for naps in the afternoon.

on a normal night he wakes up 2 times.

We have started a sleep training method which so far is going pretty good.
If Liam wakes up before midnight we don't take him out of his crib, we soothe him by speaking to him, rubbing on him, and loving him while he is still laying in his crib. It is a very hard process, more on the mom then the dad. I was tore up the first night, i think i shed more tears then Liam did. But, we are making progress.

When i first heard of this sleep training thing i was totally disturbed by it. But, once researching and realizing my son was only waking up for cuddling we had to do something.

here is a link where i got a bunch of useful information. Obviously you have to feel this is right for your child, and more importantly you, and if you decide it is stick with it! you can do it! i promise!

It is amazing how much a schedule has helped our life. Liam even reminds me if I start to fall behind even 30 mins.

Good Luck : )


Saturday, October 23, 2010

4 months.. already!

Liam is four months old and time is flying! He can sit up for a few minutes on his own, and he is quickly learning to squirm around the floor, even if he wont show mommy how.

This boy is getting big! Weighing in at 18lbs 26 inches and 81 percentile. My baby boy is such a little biggie : ) This little man has become quiet the little terror. Wants EVERYTHING and wants it NOW : ) chases the dogs in his walker. and a few days before he turned 5 months out popped a little white tooth : ) the front bottom one. now just waiting for it to come the rest of the way through.

Enjoyed his pumpkin patch and fall activities.

Thank you for showing me such a love. such a power. such a warmth. ♥

I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in blue so soft and warm
You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born

Liam hits 3 months!

Liam's first spoon feeding and while he spit most of it out, it was so much fun to watch and i got some great pics. He is growing so fast, and seems to change everyday. I love my little man! I never knew it would go this fast. it seems like just yesterday i was pregnant. Its amazing to watch this little boy grow before my eyes. He truly blesses me with his laughter, his love, and i am enjoying every second of it.