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Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day candy, love and tears.

Isn't Valentine's Day oh so fun?
Well you know first your children have to make Valentine's Day cards for everyone in their class, even those kids liam really isn't cool wjth. Everyone has to be fair. You know because life is so fair and all

First we had to have Scooby Doo cards. The new greatest thing in our home. 
Then a list of twenty two kids unrolls and hell breaks loose. 

What's this letter?

Why is ther name so long??
..... It was four letters. 

I don't even talk to that kid how can I spell their name?

Can I just right hearts on all of them??

By now tears are streaming down his face soaking into the blank card in front of him. 

Who knew Valentine's Day cards were so difficult and emotional??

Seriously drowning in love. Can't even breath surrounded by love. 

Happy Valentine's Day!