I was looking back on all my luscious baby bump pictures and I thought it would be a cool idea to put them all in order, so here we go.
9 week baby bump
11 week belly- I wanted a baby bump so bad!

12 week belly wasn't much now when I look back

14 week belly to me was huge. I was convinces we were having twins.
needless to say we weren't having twins and looking back I cant stop laughing at myself for even thinking i looked big!
15 weeks
16 weeks
20 weeks I couldnt wait because I knew soon we would find out if it was a boy or a girl!

21 weeks. I could not believe how tiny I still was and I couldnt' believe they could tell us we were having a boy! It is truly amazing how the human body works<3

I love these Victoria's Secret yoga pants! They still fit they love me! and at 23 weeks I finally look pregnant!

24 weeks which was one of my greatest weeks, I finally quit puking all day everyday!

25 weeks this is when I realized those prenatal vitamins were working, my hair was growing!

a plump round 26 weeks

28 weeks

29 weeks

I took sometime off of belly pics because I really was not seeing much change
but back at 34 weeks and looking big!
37 weeks and finally full term.
I have been ready to pop this boy out ever since they told me I was full term.

38 weeks and little Liam is still hanging in there! I served him his eviction notice 2 days ago.
Hopefully that will motivate him to get out of there!
Love love love it!
ReplyDeletehaha, I lol'd when you said you were convinced you were having twins! haha.