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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

One year old!

Happy first birthday Liam!
Friday May 27,2011
We spent the day at Chucke Cheese with Daddy, and Meme, and mommy. We had such a great time! I have really enjoyed this first year with Liam. It has gone by at lightning speed and i could settle for a slow down. Already has 8 teeth, and just growing so fast. Its funny now watching him walk around and look on the tops of tables and counters its like a whole new world he is in.
I love you Liam this has been the greatest year of our lives, you bring us such joy and happiness, you have showed us such an amazing love. Happy Birthday Biggie!

Liam has his Mickey Mouse Birthday Party on Sunday! I cant wait to party, and then blog about it!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great website for mom's

Check this out.
Great discounts, great deals!

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Have a great day : )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Teething monster!

When I walk in Liam's room to get him up for the morning and I see rosy little cheeks, I know its going to be a long day. And more importantly that he is going to be a monster the entire day!
We found these great tablets. Humphrey's teething tablets! They work wonders and calm his fussiness. They are homeopathic which also make me feel a lot better. of course we also do the alternating a fever reducer and a pain med. Liam just hitting his first birthday and he has a whooping 8 teeth! At two different points two came in at one time, how horrible!
Some tips I have come across and heard of are
- freezing a wash cloth
-icey pops
-ice cubes

Hope these help! We as mommy's have to do what we can to relieve are little one's pain!

Good luck!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby boo is 7 months old!

My goodness, life is trying going at light speed. I feel like I never sit still. Im always on the go.
A couple days ago I spent an hour crawling around on my knees so Liam would feel he has someone his age to play with... Well needless to say my knees are still killing me and while I don't believe for one-second he thought I was anything like him he certainly got a few laughs out of it. A few baby laughs make pretty much anything worth it : )

I live these moments, and I want to hold and keep these moments forever, but before I finish that thought in my mind it seems like there are 15 more moments. I don't know how working Mom's go out and do the full time job gig. I feel horrible trying to leave for an hour to get a quick mani/pedi. I don't want to miss a thing, Do other mom's have problems with this? Or is it that I'm over bearing controlling freak mom? It is possible. Horrible I know.

My greatest pride would be to teach my son to love life for the moment we are in, not what could would or should be but what we have and hold right here. With all this ugly in the world enjoy what is beautiful. Be a child, growing up really isn't that fun. and be the best man you can be, giving more than you ever take, to love unconditionally and know that I love him unconditionally.

Happy 7 months Liam Matthew. you are my heaven, you are all that makes me day great : )