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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Liam hits 2 months!

Weighing in at a whopping 14lbs 15 oz and measuring 24 inches long! I think we are on our way to the worlds largest baby. At 2 months 2 weeks he Rolled over from belly to back and started giggling! It's amazing to see what joy Liam brings to everyone life he touches. I have never felt a love greater than the one I hold for him. I am enjoying every moment just watching him grow before my very eyes. Liam learns something new everyday. This months newest obsession is eating his hands, watching Madagascar, giggling, baths have been a favorite since birth.

Here are a few photos of special moments : )


Liam's first moments captured.

Little Liam weighed in at 11lbs and 2 oz and measuring out to be 22inches long at his first doctors visit. He is getting so big so fast! I cant believe my eyes. This is lifes greatest mircle. I love my baby boy more than words could ever begin to express. Here are a few photos I thought I would share. Looking back I realize how much smaller he really was. Now i have giant baby on my hands : )

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is this a form of child abuse?

Liam had to go for his 2 month check up on Tuesday (August 10)
I was a nervous wreck the whole day, just a big hot mess

I know when I was a child I hated shots. I remember lying one day at school saying I was sick so I didn't have to get my shots, I thought my mom was going to kill me when she found out. Not to mention the traumatizing experience of watching my older brother being held down by nurses as they poke needless in his arm.

Everything I did this day revolved around one burning question, is it going to be okay with Liam getting his shots? Pretty much coming down to what we would have for dinner, as if in some strange way this would alter Liam's behavior because of the shots he had earlier in the day. Yes, looking back i seem like a complete nut job, but at the time i promise i had valid reason behind all this.(or so i thought)

While sitting in the waiting room, I could hear rooms full of kids, I could see the Dr going in to a room 5 minutes later it would be followed with a heart wrenching scream from a child, you would have thought they were poking the child with burning rods, this went on for several rooms, my heart was hurting- literally. it was horrible. I wanted to run out of there as fast as my feet would let me.

The most gut wrenching part of the whole visit was watching Liam lay out in his stroller looking around coo-ing and aw-ing at everything and knowing I was taking him back there for them to shove these needles in his shanks, and he was oblivious to the whole thing. I cant handle it. It makes me even crazier that we have to go back in two more months and get more : (

needless to say Liam did a lot better than I did. Then he was such a cuddle bug, all he wanted was his mommy for the rest of the night, so obviously +1 in my book, he thinks its his dads fault : )

Have I lost my mind....?

Liam is now 2 months and almost 3 weeks. I know I kind of fell off the radar, but I'm back on : )

Im trying to get use to all this "mommy" stuff. This is the wildest ride of my life, but I am enjoying ever bump and turn along the way!

Which brings me to the question, Have I lost my mind?!
I take a million pictures of Liam every day, I take 15 pictures in the same sitting. Matt once asked me, "How many shots you going to take?" and I replied "until I get the money shot!"
But after uploading my 300 pictures I have taken with just our digital camera, not even counting; my iphone, or the other random cameras I find laying around and blow up with my son's cute little face : )

But looking through these 300 pics I realize they are all money shots! Am I obsessed? Is this sickening? I'm just not sure at this point.

My mom started a scrap book of Liams first month, and im continuing on with the rest. While I was in the shower this morning I had this amazing off the charts idea, I should just document everything in the scrap book(first roller over, laugh etc), have volumes, just follow him through his whole life, It will be like a picture journal of some sorts. and I think to myself, ughh I have become one of those moms!
I feel like I already I have more pictures of my son then most people take of their children in the entire lives. Does this make me a wack job?
I feel like I have this odd obsession, I want to just dress him up, take him out, put him near something cute and then snap as many pictures as I can.
Hopefully for everyones sake I slow down on the obsessive clicking away with the camera bc I would really hate for Liam's first word to be "stop!"

Well until next time....

Pip Pip Cheerio! : )